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Bonnet mystery

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:39 pm
by Timffy
First some back story- I’m looking for advice regarding the Bonnet and wings of my Morris 1000 Traveller. I’ve owned it for 18 months having bought it from a well known MM restorers and retailers. The car was completely “restored” by a customer of theirs who had sold quite a few cars through them in the past. I confess that as I live over 200 miles away I took the seller word for the fact that it was immaculate and payed sill pounds for it to be delivered.

One of my problems is the Bonnet and the gaps from the front up to be bulk head.
At the front they seem correct but at the bulkhead end there is a 3/4 inch gap which leaves the drainage holes very exposed.
At the time when I signed to say I was completely satisfied it wasn’t so obvious however since then I’ve noticed that many pictures of the front end of Moggies don’t seem to have this wide gap!

Thank you for bearing with me through the background.

Can someone or everyone tell me it this is correct and if as I expect it isn’t, how do I go about fixing it myself.

My immediate thought was to sit on the top edge of the bonnet to splay it out a bit but I know that’s madness.

I am a proficient welder and painter so drastic action is not insurmountable.

So what’s the best way forward, all thoughts welcome as long as they aren’t rude. Thanks Tim

Re: Bonnet mystery

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:31 pm
by geoberni
As a picture paints a 1000 words... how about a photo to illustrate what you're speaking of? I think I follow you, but just to avoid any confusion...