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Ignition light when idling

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 5:47 pm
by radioactiveman
Hello :)

My first (of many) questions. :D

I’ve just taken my Minor out for its first proper drive and I’ve noticed something odd.

When I start the car with the choke (at idle) the ignition light goes out, after a while of driving when I put the choke back in it comes on again.

However, when I rev the car the light flickers out.

Does that seem concerning? :o

Thank you in advance!

Re: Ignition light when idling

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:05 pm
Nope, all detailed in the Owner Manual. As long as it goes out when you set off driving.

Re: Ignition light when idling

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:08 pm
by simmitc
Do you have a dynamo or an alternator fitted? I will refer to "generator" to cover both.

When the engine is idling very slowly, then the light will come on as the generator is not producing enough current to charge the battery. This is normal. As the engine revs increase, the power from the generator increases, and the ignition warning light is extinguished.

When the choke is out, it operates a cam on the carburettor and this increases the speed of the engine. This may be sufficient speed to extinguish the light. When you push the choke in, the revs die off and the light might come back on. However, when you are driving at more than a few miles per hour, the revs should always be sufficient to extinguish the light. If the light comes on when you stop at a junction, but goes off at other times, then nothing about which to worry; but if it comes on whilst moving fast, then something is not right. There is no electrical connection to the choke to operate the light directly.

Re: Ignition light when idling

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:32 pm
by radioactiveman
That makes perfect sense. Thank you for the detailed response!