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Waxoyl aerosols

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 10:22 pm
by hornmeister2000
Decieed to underseal the body today. Spent 4 hours scraping muck off the floor (fortunately in 1st class condition!) then painted on Hammerite Underseal with added Waxoyl. Was rather annoyed to find 2 new holes I didn't know about in the rear wheel arches (guaranteed MOT failures and right on the suspension - I think an urgent job). Anyway, I decided to spray waxoyl under the sills in those channels and discovered that aerosol waxoyl cans are absolutely useless! Has anyone got any tips on how to actually make it spray out rather than just drip down the side of the can?!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 4:27 pm
by Kevin
Hi have you tried putting the can in hot/warm water to make it a bit runnier

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 5:51 pm
by Peetee
I used a waxoyle alternative brand in an aerosol and it was a bit wasteful to say the least. The trick seemed to be to keep spraying as much as you can and try not to stop. That's when the nozzle gums up and the next application goes anywhere but where you want it (if it comes out at all :evil: ). It can be cleaned of course but that's a bit of a nusance if your on your back under the car.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:02 pm
by Gareth
You have to make sure that you shake the can really really well. It says to do it for 5 minutes, but I go a bit longer, and haven't had a problem.

You may need to invert the can and give it a spray, to clear the nozzle occasionally. I've used the Waxoyls underbody protection aerosol, which is a little thinner than the stuff in tins, but seems to do the job. Haven't had a problem with it, and I've found it indispensible for quick touch-ups of cracks in the wax - especially on the wings.

Maybe you had a faulty can?


Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 6:41 pm
by Willie
It is quite common to find that you have a faulty spray head
on paint/waxoyl/etc. It is a good idea to save the various
spray tops so that you have a selection to try in the event
of a faulty one. I have never been able to unblock one when
it goes wrong.