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Moving An LCV In Bits

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 4:30 pm
by Packedup
Well, i can now annouce I have a pickup! I don't want to go into details, but it's mine.

It's also in bits (it wasn't until today, but anyway).

And it needs moving about 20 miles.

So, how do I do this? I don't hve a tow car, so a trailer would be a pain to use. I'm thinking of hiring a van for the day (hence the stripping it this afternoon), but what sort of van will I need to shift it? I can do more than one trip if necessary, but obviously need something that'll take the chassis and the cab.

This needs to be done by the end of this week, so suggestions welcome :)

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:47 pm
by rayofleamington
maybe you need a flatbed not a van? I've used a Sprinter flat ben to do this in the past.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 7:35 pm
by Packedup
Flatbeds cost a lot more for a day though :(

I did think about sticking the chassis behind the seats in the Midget, but it's not so much the height as the weight that make that a silly idea :lol:

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 7:41 pm
by Matt
IF it can wait until Saturday (or possibly friday eve if it can be done in 2hrs ish) and you are willing to pay my fuel etc I have a LWB mid roof transit (load area approx 10ftx5ftx5ft) but 4ft between the wheel arches. Im sure an extra set of hands would be welcome too?

If the cab is seperate from the chassis I reckon it should fit. Any idea how much the chassis and cab/back weigh?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 8:29 pm
by wibble_puppy
oooh congratulations, packedup!! :D :D :D :D

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 8:48 pm
by Packedup
Matt wrote:IF it can wait until Saturday (or possibly friday eve if it can be done in 2hrs ish) and you are willing to pay my fuel etc I have a LWB mid roof transit (load area approx 10ftx5ftx5ft) but 4ft between the wheel arches. Im sure an extra set of hands would be welcome too?

If the cab is seperate from the chassis I reckon it should fit. Any idea how much the chassis and cab/back weigh?
I can only get to it where it currently is between around 9am and 4pm weekdays, otherwise I'd leap at your offer :(

Weight wise - Two people can move a chassis no problem. Today, three people made a hash of lifiting the cab off said chassis. Although the cab still has the dampers steering and loom fitted, and when it was being lifted one door was still on (I couldn't get the door off due to it all being too close to a wall). I'd say 4 reasonably fit people could move a cab without too much problem, but with a careful arranging of boards it could probably be slid by two or three.

I'm going to chase up the guy who's drive I'll be abusing for the rebuilding, see if he knows anyone local. Also going to measure it all up and see if any of the local hire places have anything suitable without the need topart with a kidney!
wibble_puppy wrote:oooh congratulations, packedup!! :D :D :D :D
Don't congratulate me yet! All I've done so far is take apart what I put together three years ago. The real challenge is moving it to safety, and then putting it back together in a way that gets it on the road! I'm not going to have the resources to do a pretty job, but better it's rough but saved and used than end up as coke cans :)

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 8:53 pm
by wibble_puppy
well, every step is a step in the right direction, and you have a brilliant attitude 8)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:42 am
by StaffsMoggie
There are plenty of people about who transport cars and many of them like classics. It isnt worth pratting about with hiring trailers when 50 quid will see the truck moved to where you want.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:00 am
by paulhumphries
A mate has a new (SWB) Transit.
It was a MASSIVE struggle to get a LCV cab in the back and involved damage to the van plus gentle prying of the cab to get it in.
Using the SWB Transit as a benchmark you need something with more width - expecially between inner wheel arches (and hight)
I'd prefer a hired flat bed trailer and getting a mate with towbar to move myself.

Paul Humphries

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 12:03 pm
by Matt
Paul... what height roof though?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 12:18 pm
by paulhumphries
Matt wrote:Paul... what height roof though?
Low roof hight.
That wasn't the problem though - width was biggest problem.
The van was only 3 weeks old (private - not works / business) and it ended up with ripped door seal, bend door seal mounting flange and gouged paint
I think door opening was something like 1/2" - 1" too narrow.
A lot of mauling managed to tilt it slightly and "hook" it in but still resulted in the damage.

Paul Humphries

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 12:26 pm
by iwsmithy
I moved a whole 4 door saloon in the back of a Luton transit. It fitted with the front and rear bumpers removed. The back of the van was 12ft long.
It was a little hairy getting it up into the van and once inside I used scaffold planks to ensure the weight was spread over the plywood floor of the van.
Moving a chassis and cab should be a doddle with one of those. Get one with a taillift and it will be even easier to lump the bits about.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:37 am
by Packedup
Got a flat bed (tipper) in the end. Only 10 foot load length, but managed to work the chassis in around everything else so did the lot in one run.

Matt very kindly offered to help out, but with the cost of fuel it was cheaper for me to hire something than cover his diesel getting here an back! Lunacy, sheer lunacy.

After loading and unloading most of a pickup off a 3.5 tonner yesterday, I'm not sure if my arms will ever move again!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:41 am
by wibble_puppy
the worst bit's over, dude :D well done, and have a nice long sit down and cuppa tea 8)

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:17 pm
by Packedup
wibble_puppy wrote:the worst bit's over, dude :D well done, and have a nice long sit down and cuppa tea 8)
I had an early night, a takeout, and a couple of glasses of plonk instead. No time for sitting around today though, this has to be done in a very short time so much as my body said no, the guy who's drive it's on said yes and work started.

I've got to get the pics off the camera, but the old floors came out, and new floors and lower rear panel went in. They've got to be finished underneath, but there's more metal than there was, and it's nearly in the right place (the cab is quite distorted, so there's never going to be a perfect fit without much money, time, skill etc which are missing in varying amounts)!

If the weather stays OK then all but the B post and cab back should be welded tomorrow, and some paint might even go on. Then the 4 door has a date with destiny, and rebuilding can commence :)

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:41 pm
by wibble_puppy
wow you don't hang about do ya :o :D