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help with seals and light peaks

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 10:56 am
by brit
I got new main door seals today but they need cutting does anyone have any idea's what i could use to cut them cleanly? stanley knife? *they have crazy metal bits in them so im wondering if the knife will cope with that*

also anyone know how to fit light peaks?


Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 11:06 am
by Kevin
To fit the light peaks you take the outer headlamp ring off, its held in place by one screw near the very bottom, and then pull it off then put the peak in place and replace the ring, the hardest bit is getting the ring in the right position to align up with the screw fixing.
The peaks or eyebrows also have a nickname they are referred to as Pedestrian Leg Cutters :roll:

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 11:09 am
by brit
With a nice nickname like that are they legal? not that it'll stop me putting them on, an old man complained about my friend's telling him they could cut someone up :S

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 11:45 am
by brit
Great theres no screw on the right hand bezel *i think thats what its called* yet it still wont come off :( also the left one seems to be misshaped so I'm not sure it'll accomadate the peak :(

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 12:22 pm
by Kevin
Brit you will find that sometimes they need a bit of a tug to get them off from the bottom, as when you come to put them back they go over at the top 1st and then push down and in, which is were it becomes fidley to get the screw hole in the right place :evil:
Yes they are legal as they do not have a sharp edge

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 12:24 pm
by brit
do the peaks have to be bent at all? or have i got the wrong one's *I dont understand how this could be though as dsn only do minor and mini parts and I thought they had the same size lights :-?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 12:27 pm
by Kevin
No but they are a tight fit under the bezel and the mini and minor do use the same size headlight.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 1:58 pm
by Gareth
With regard to the door seals, you could try a Stanley knife, although I used a pair of stout scissors and a hacksaw. Of course, you could try cutting through in between the clips...

The headlamp peaks are often referred to as "Kidney Cutters". I'm not sure why, because it's anatomically incorrect on anything other than a LandRover, but even so. In fact, (and I believe I've told this story before...) my Dad was molested by a Ford Consul (I think, though I can't remember and it was back in the 60's, and I wasn't eve a glimmer at that point ;-)), and that had light peaks. He now has a fairly pronounced limp and one leg about 1" shorter than the other. Makes buying trousers a nightmare!

Apart from that, he was fine.

As for the appearance issue. I can't decide whether to get a pair, or not. At Brighton, I was looking down the rows of Minors, and thought they really didn't suit the lines of the car. Yet at other shows, I've seen them and thought they looked great! :roll: :lol: :roll:

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 3:03 pm
by rayofleamington
do the peaks have to be bent at all? or have i got the wrong one's
Yes some of them need to be bent! Some manufacturers have taken a shortcut and made them oversize, that way they will fit more cars (though it's a bit cheap and nasty, but mine only cost £9 from a mini show).
You have to be carefull not to crease them when you bend them - use a milkbottle underneath for support.
My headlamp bezels have no screws either but they are tough to get off (I have to lever them at the bottom).
A lot of the headlamp peaks are not strictly legal as they are single skin and do not have a properly rolled front edge, which could be argued to be 'sharp'. However they come off in seconds so I'm sure people just take them off (and put them straight back on later) if they do get an MOT fail.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 3:49 pm
by brit
Brilliant I was almost sending them back they only cost £9 from dsn *or some price like that* I used big scissors on the seals in the end and I'm really impressed by them *there red ooooo*, I agree that on some cars they look wrong. For some reason I have a soft spot for them :)

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 4:06 pm
by Gareth
Got any pics of the mog, now she's finished?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 4:43 pm
by brit
Nope :( unfortunately she aint finished *havent got the other bezel off yet :(, the only pic I seem to have is from about a month ago. I'm a little [Don't swear or you will be banned - Admin] off with the seal's as they dont fit too plush *I think thats the word* in the corners but there red so they have have to stay :), One day my mog will feature on the front of minor matters *One day! hehe* or I'm hoping that it will once it's lowered and got a roof rack ect *And possibley resprayed next year depending on what happens with me mate also on how brave I feel letting him do it :-?