No prior knowledge of AVs is required. A 3-hour online discussion (through Zoom) would be rewarded with a £60 online shopping voucher.One of these groups should be recruited from people who are pretty individualistic, very pro cars, but not so positive about modern technology. I thought classic car enthusiasts might fit the bill!
If you are interested then please let me know and I will send your details to the lead researcher who can send you even more details. Some brief details below:
Brief Information Sheet – CAVs project – classic car club members
What is the purpose of the project?
We are conducting several of these deliberative workshops with different people to get the broadest possible range of views about autonomous vehicles, shared and privately owned.
What do I have to do? What will happen to me if I take part?
We would like you to attend (through Zoom) a 3 hour deliberative workshop on the topic, facilitated by two researchers from the University of Leeds Institute for Transport Research, to freely discuss your views with other classic car club members.
We will email you an information sheet and ask you to sign a written consent form to confirm your agreement to participate in this project.
There will be a break in the workshop, and you can of course take a comfort break. There are no right or wrong answers: we are interested in your knowledge, opinions and views.
Do I have to take part?
No! Your involvement in the workshop is voluntary, and you may withdraw your participation at any time, even during the workshop. If you want to discuss the research or your involvement with the research team before you consent to participating, then contact details will be provided.
Will my taking part in this project be kept confidential? What will happen to the results of the research project?
Any data collected as a part of this project will be stored securely as per University of Leeds Research Data Management policy. More details in the full information sheet. Any quotes used will be anonymous.