1965 Traveller project

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1965 Traveller project

Post by petersimpson »

Good evening - long-term classic car owner and enthusiast (and ex-Editor of Practical Classics, Car Mechanics, Classic Car Weekly and Classic Car Buyer. and Car Mechanics) and it's only taken me 40 years to buy my first Minor! It's a 1965 Traveller; JWA170C, and not in bad shape overall, though it's been stuck in a barn for many years, it seems to have had a pretty extensive renovation just before - the underside seems to have been sorted well, and the wood is good, albeit in need of a fresh varnish. It's also had a few subtle mods; brake servo (but still on drum brakes), alternator, rear seatbelts and upgraded front seats from, I've now found out, a Rover 200BRM. I need a few bits including a pair of front doors; I've pt a piece in the parts wanted section as hoping to find a black pair to avoid repainting, and I think the front wings will need adjusting to make the doors fit properly which at present they do not! A visit to Newton Commercial for some sound-deadening and a few other interior bits is also needed...
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Re: 1965 Traveller project

Post by Classiccars »

Great to have another back out there.Good news best of luck.
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Re: 1965 Traveller project

Post by philthehill »

Welcome to the world of Morris Minors.
Whilst I am interested in your Morris Minor traveller, having spent a lot of my working life involved in railways I am interested to learn the history of the repurposed railway station seen in the background.

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Re: 1965 Traveller project

Post by petersimpson »

It's actually where I live - a South Lincolnshire railway station which closed to passengers in 1961, though the line through from March to Spalding stayed open until the end of 1982. It was pretty-much derelict when we bought it in 2010, and the resstoratiin process was pretty similar to doing a car - structure first, cosmetics second....
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Re: 1965 Traveller project

Post by philthehill »

Thank you for the reply.

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Re: 1965 Traveller project

Post by TravellerTodd »

Fantastic looking Traveller Peter - enjoy!
1958 Traveller, (998)
1969 Austin A40 Farina (948)
Clyde, New Zealand
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Re: 1965 Traveller project

Post by King Kenny »

Good find. It looks like a restful restoration project. I like the cement in the back. I have moved 70 bricks in the back of mine. The steering was a bit light.
1969 Traveller in Almond green. Owned since 1979.
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