Car wont start

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Car wont start

Post by Tubey98 »

If anyone has any ideas please help
Ive just drove down to the road near me about a mile and the car was fine but now I cant get it to start. When i turn the key the engine ticksover but dont start. What can I do!!
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Re: Car wont start

Post by bmcecosse »

If it's 'ticking over' it's surely running.???...Has the throttle cable broken? Do you have any petrol? Is the petrol pump ticking away merrily? There are so many possibilities we can't offer much help without more information.... Call out the Roadside people on your Classic Car insurance.....
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Re: Car wont start

Post by bmcecosse » reply :o :roll:
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Re: Car wont start

Post by myoldjalopy »

I think he means the engine turns over on the key but won't start..............Assuming a visual inspection shows no clues (like loose/disconnected leads etc.) then check for a spark at the king lead and go from there, eliminating what it isn't until you find out what it is................
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Re: Car wont start

Post by simmitc »

As above responses, we do need more information. It's a Morris Minor so it's simple. Fuel, spark, compression, it will run. Any of those not working and it won't run. So...

Have you got petrol in the tank?
If the fuel pump ticking when you switch on?
Is the battery charged?
Do other electrical items work OK?
How did it stop - did you turn it off and then not able to start, or did it cut out?
What year is the car, what size engine?
Has anything been done to the car between it running and not running?
When you say "ticking over" (running slowly), do you really mean turning over?
When you switch on ignition, do the charge and oil pressure warning lights come on?
Do you have a multimeter available to assist with further diagnostics?

If you could provide some more detail then we'll see what we can do to help.
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Re: Car wont start

Post by bmcecosse »

Maybe he's still stuck at the side of the road...... :roll: It would surely be polite to come back on and report what happened/how it was fixed - or not, for the benefit of others stuck in a similar position.
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Re: Car wont start

Post by myoldjalopy »

Yes, we like conclusions!
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Re: Car wont start

Post by Tubey98 »

Hi sorry everyone for the late reply i ran out of mobile data as i was using my phone. The reason behind it was that i flooded my carb. Thanks for all the help though I appreciate it.
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Re: Car wont start

Post by bmcecosse »

How do you 'flood the carb' ??? :-?
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Re: Car wont start

Post by simmitc »

Install a faulty needle valve. Could be too much choke just giving a really rich nuxture. Anyway, it seems to be fixed so all's well that ends well.
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Re: Car wont start

Post by Tubey98 »

Hi I pumped the throttle pedal too much but my dad cam ti the rescue
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Re: Car wont start

Post by myoldjalopy »

Flooded the engine then. An easy fix, costing no money! :D
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Re: Car wont start

Post by BLOWNMM »

Hi all
Flooding the carb on a SU by pumping the pedal ? - when there is no accelerator pump!
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Re: Car wont start

Post by amgrave »

I wondered about that, perhaps it's been changed to one with an accelerator pump in which case a remedy would have been a bit more difficult as we would not have known about the carb :roll:

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Re: Car wont start

Post by BLOWNMM »

Hi guys
The only other SU like carb I am aware of was made by the Japanese firm 'Asian'. These were fitted to Toyota Crown of MS 45B vintage. They had a power system for acceleration where there was a power outlet controlled by a vacuum valve. When motoring along under light throttle opening the relatively high manifold vacuum held the power valve closed. When the throttle was opened and the manifold vacuum dropped the valve was opened by a spring and petrol poured into the manifold for as long as the throttle was held open or until the motor stopped. The hot rodders dream carb was the Holley which employed the same principle. However another carb the Stromberg had a power system which was a cylindrical pump with a leather washer similar to what you would see on a tyre inflation pump. When the throttle was opened it would only discharge one dose of petrol for each pump of the throttle pedal. Much more economical. I cannot see how an SU can flood a motor when the pedal is pumped. Have attached pics of Aisan 'SU's'.
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