Hi All,
I’m looking for a drivers door handle for a 1972 Morris minor van, I do understand that a 4 door is also the same, so if anyone can help I don’t want to be picky but would like very good chrome and a lock with a key but anything would be considered.
I’m in Cheshire and will travel or I will pay postage, if possible please send a picture or two.
Many thanks Rob.
Drivers door handle
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Re: Drivers door handle
Try Club Spares (page 11 of current "Minor Matters"). Although Bryan is concentrating on parts for MM and SII, he may well have a part to match your needs.
Re: Drivers door handle
Firstly thanks for your info, I’ll check that out immediately I never thought about our own club spares.
Kind regards Rob.
Firstly thanks for your info, I’ll check that out immediately I never thought about our own club spares.
Kind regards Rob.