SU Fuel Pumps for rebuild

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SU Fuel Pumps for rebuild

Post by svenedin »

I recently bought some second-hand parts from Minor Parts of Oxford.

Richard Plant the owner sold me an SU fuel pump AUA66 for rebuilding. He tells me has over 40 of them priced to sell at £10 each. It's pot luck how much rebuilding the pump might need but at worst it will be a case of ordering and fitting a full rebuild kit. At best, like the one I bought, it will just need the points cleaning and adjusting. These pumps were taken off customer's cars so they will have one fault or other that needs correcting.

Disclaimer: I have no connection to this business other than being a customer. I hope the post is allowed but if not please remove.

1969 1098cc Convertible “Xavier” which I have owned since 1989.

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