WANTED - A Morris Minor to repair/recommission

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WANTED - A Morris Minor to repair/recommission

Post by Colintree »

A car in need of repair/recommissioning NOT to break up for parts. Genuine enthusiast. As a lifelong enthusiast for these cars, I just think its a shame to break up surviving examples that deserve to be saved. Any age of Minor considered from earliest MM to last produced. Thank you. Colin
Tel: 07847 506 311

1953/1954 MM and Series 2 models are my particular favourites for sentimentalnreasons. I also like the later 1098 cc models from the mid 60's to 1970/1971.
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Re: WANTED - A Morris Minor to repair/recommission

Post by rocco »

You have looked on eBay haven't you? There are quite a few nice looking Minors on there at a fair price.
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Re: WANTED - A Morris Minor to repair/recommission

Post by les »

If you can get hold of a copy from a member, there are examples of all models in the magazine.

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Re: WANTED - A Morris Minor to repair/recommission

Post by Colintree »

Just to say thank you for the two replies. I am checking ebay regularly and will definitely be joining the club when I find a car. Just keep hoping that somebody within the club may have a car that they would like to see go to a good appreciative home. Would be more than happy to consider a part-finished restoration or an original long-time stored car needing some repair. Just to say again that I am not a dealer/trader or a person who would break a car that deserves to be saved. Thanks again Colin
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Re: WANTED - A Morris Minor to repair/recommission

Post by svenedin »

I know someone in Surrey with a part-finished recommission/restoration of a 4-door saloon Minor 1000 which I think may be 1966 or thereabouts . The car is rather modified as it has a 1275 engine but if wanted it could all be put back to original. Unfortunately, the owner has had to surrender his driving licence on medical grounds very recently. I do not know whether he has accepted/decided that he will have to sell it yet but I see him from time to time in the pub after bell ringing practice. I can ask him sensitively whether he would consider selling his car.

1969 1098cc Convertible “Xavier” which I have owned since 1989.

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Re: WANTED - A Morris Minor to repair/recommission

Post by Colintree »

Hi Stephen. That would be much appreciated thank you. Would you happen to know whether the modifications are limited to just mechanicals? I would have no problem with what are effectively invisible modificatons relating to the engine and brakes which can actually improve useability and safety. Have to say though, I am not really a fan of changes to seats etc., but appreciate of course it all comes down to individual taste. Thanks again. Colin
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Re: WANTED - A Morris Minor to repair/recommission

Post by svenedin »

Colintree wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 12:21 pm Hi Stephen. That would be much appreciated thank you. Would you happen to know whether the modifications are limited to just mechanicals? I would have no problem with what are effectively invisible modificatons relating to the engine and brakes which can actually improve useability and safety. Have to say though, I am not really a fan of changes to seats etc., but appreciate of course it all comes down to individual taste. Thanks again. Colin
I think it's the engine principally. I know the owner was having trouble getting one of the rear doors to fit properly which is worrying. He used the car daily for many years but it has not been in use for quite some time now. I have seen the car but I haven't "inspected" it in the way that I would assess a potential purchase.

1969 1098cc Convertible “Xavier” which I have owned since 1989.

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