Car buying / selling scams
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Car buying / selling scams
Just a word of warning about unsolicited Private Messages (PMs) advertising to sell (or buy) cars.
We have had posts on this messageboard before from 'sellers' trying to sell cars from foriegn countries. So far none of these has appeared to be genuine and have all the markings of the usual scams.
These individuals have more than likely got wise to the fact that their methods are not working as they have had no response from here.
Now, instead of posting publicly it seems they have started randomly sending private messages (PMs) to individual board users trying to do the same thing but targeting private individuals (less chance of the scam being discovered).
So, a word of warning. If you DO get one of these messages just delete it.
Genuine sellers are unlikely to post privately as it does not make sense to do so.
We have had posts on this messageboard before from 'sellers' trying to sell cars from foriegn countries. So far none of these has appeared to be genuine and have all the markings of the usual scams.
These individuals have more than likely got wise to the fact that their methods are not working as they have had no response from here.
Now, instead of posting publicly it seems they have started randomly sending private messages (PMs) to individual board users trying to do the same thing but targeting private individuals (less chance of the scam being discovered).
So, a word of warning. If you DO get one of these messages just delete it.
Genuine sellers are unlikely to post privately as it does not make sense to do so.
- Minor Addict
- Posts: 804
- Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:58 am
- MMOC Member: No
So THAT'S how we can recognise you at the next rallyHave there been others Cam? Or am I the only one at the moment with "gullible" tattooed on my forehead?

This is just a guess but i'd imagine if there have been others then they'll have been targeted at people asking for cars rather than just picking random members, however im surprised they went for someone with a 618 post count who is obviously a regular user rather than someone new to the boards.
- Minor Addict
- Posts: 804
- Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:58 am
- MMOC Member: No
how about we say you were a pioneer, bravely finding a new scam to protect other MMOC members?;)
I wouldnt feel too bad about it, as long as you lost no money (or were able to retrieve it if you did) then at least now everyone will know what to do if one of these PM's arrive. In a way it might have been best that an old board user got the scam as a new one may not have reported it.
I wouldnt feel too bad about it, as long as you lost no money (or were able to retrieve it if you did) then at least now everyone will know what to do if one of these PM's arrive. In a way it might have been best that an old board user got the scam as a new one may not have reported it.
- Minor Addict
- Posts: 804
- Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:58 am
- MMOC Member: No
Old, me - never.Chief wrote:old board user

I'm not worried and my only concern would be if someone did fall for it. At the very least it might involve an expensive 'phone call.
Don't know what happened to the quote in my previous post - It was meant to quote Cam. An age thing again.

Is this a scam?? (I think it is)
Dear friends,
I would like your advise on something that's got me into thoughts. The first mail I got from a website I had place an ad for the Mogie on the bottom of the e-mail it said the following:
"Please be aware of people responding offering to pay by cheque or bankers draft, particuarly if they offer to overpay on the condition that you return the balance. These fraudsters will send you payment which will initially appear to clear in your bank account but will subsequently bounce leaving you potentially heavily out of pocket."
Today I got a mail from someone who wants to buy the car. I told him that the highest offer we had so far was for 15000 Cyprus pounds. He replied back telling me that it's ok with him and he wants the car and someone ows him 20000 pounds and he would instruct him to send me the 20000 to me and I will send him the 5000 back! (Yea right!).
Have you seen this before?? Do you know anything about it?
P.S. I have posted this msg to my ad in "Morris Minor MM - Location Cyprus"
I would like your advise on something that's got me into thoughts. The first mail I got from a website I had place an ad for the Mogie on the bottom of the e-mail it said the following:
"Please be aware of people responding offering to pay by cheque or bankers draft, particuarly if they offer to overpay on the condition that you return the balance. These fraudsters will send you payment which will initially appear to clear in your bank account but will subsequently bounce leaving you potentially heavily out of pocket."
Today I got a mail from someone who wants to buy the car. I told him that the highest offer we had so far was for 15000 Cyprus pounds. He replied back telling me that it's ok with him and he wants the car and someone ows him 20000 pounds and he would instruct him to send me the 20000 to me and I will send him the 5000 back! (Yea right!).
Have you seen this before?? Do you know anything about it?
P.S. I have posted this msg to my ad in "Morris Minor MM - Location Cyprus"
In the begining there was nothing,
then even that blew up!
then even that blew up!
It is also warned about on the Military Web site. I advertised my MM Traveller (Ex-Army), and I got about 4 overseas e-mails offering more money etc. I just deleted them. If advertising, one way to stop it is to say "No Overseas Buyers - Thanks". That is if you don;t want to sell it overseas of course !! The other clue (although they do get wiser by the day), is the wording of the text, the title of your add is normally just cut and pasted into the e-mail you receive, i.e. If your add is "Morris Minor Traveller - Rare Ex-Army". The the e-mail contains lines such as Ï am really keen on buying your "Morris Minor Traveller - Rare Ex-Army"....
Hope that helps as well. Cheers, Alan
Hope that helps as well. Cheers, Alan
- Minor Fan
- Posts: 235
- Joined: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:56 pm
- MMOC Member: No
Alans right in that they're getting smarter all the time, but in case anyones worried theres a page of tips here ... urself.php with specific tips on how to spot these delightful people 


Modified Best Engine Bay - Kelmarsh National Rally 2012
1st Place Modified - Kelmarsh National Rally 2012 woohoo!

Modified Best Engine Bay - Kelmarsh National Rally 2012
1st Place Modified - Kelmarsh National Rally 2012 woohoo!
i have had several people trying it on this is just one of them
Hello Owner,
I want to buy the car you put for sale. It is a very nice car, I hope that is has no problem with the engine. When we reach an angreemnet I have a shipping company that will come and pick it up. I await your mail.
Dr. Stanley Udeme
Mr. Tony,
I will like to have your mailling address in which the sum of £4200.00 will be send in your name. When you get it you will reduct the said amount and send the remaining to the shipping company so that they will come to your location and pick the car up.
HRT. Mr. Solomon S. Malik M/D
Direct gmnx shipping and tourism Co,
boughe saintaniq,box 4309,
comic 69 bassam,abidjan.

Hello Owner,
I want to buy the car you put for sale. It is a very nice car, I hope that is has no problem with the engine. When we reach an angreemnet I have a shipping company that will come and pick it up. I await your mail.
Dr. Stanley Udeme
Mr. Tony,
I will like to have your mailling address in which the sum of £4200.00 will be send in your name. When you get it you will reduct the said amount and send the remaining to the shipping company so that they will come to your location and pick the car up.
HRT. Mr. Solomon S. Malik M/D
Direct gmnx shipping and tourism Co,
boughe saintaniq,box 4309,
comic 69 bassam,abidjan.

scams yet another one
I'm Mrs Brett Carmel.I am interested in your[CAR] and I'll like to know your last offering price and to see the pictures and the condition of the CAR,if it will be okay with me.I'll be making my payment with Cheque Or Bank Draft.If you do I want you to get in touch with me immediately for me to proceed with the Payment.As for the shipping I'll contact shipper agent of mine who will arranged for the Pick up as soon the transaction is sealed and get back.This means the cheque that will be sent to you will include an Excess money for the sales of your CAR and the shippers fees for organising a home pick up service from your base down to my Place....You can contact me on my mobile number is +447031817825 OR +447024071831......I'll be looking forward to your response.
Thanks and Have a Nice day.
Mrs Brett Carmel
I'm Mrs Brett Carmel.I am interested in your[CAR] and I'll like to know your last offering price and to see the pictures and the condition of the CAR,if it will be okay with me.I'll be making my payment with Cheque Or Bank Draft.If you do I want you to get in touch with me immediately for me to proceed with the Payment.As for the shipping I'll contact shipper agent of mine who will arranged for the Pick up as soon the transaction is sealed and get back.This means the cheque that will be sent to you will include an Excess money for the sales of your CAR and the shippers fees for organising a home pick up service from your base down to my Place....You can contact me on my mobile number is +447031817825 OR +447024071831......I'll be looking forward to your response.
Thanks and Have a Nice day.
Mrs Brett Carmel
Re: Car buying / selling scams
Just had this email from the advert I have on Classic and collectors cars.
Definitely a scam I would say (the usual terrible English and offering to buy the car without even seeing it or asking the right questions? All they seem to want is for me to either send them the email address for the paypal payment (not going to help them much, it is just an email address after all. he even said i could just send him a paypal payment request. Not sure how they are going to scam my money via this, but as I say, the wording just seems to scream SCAM!!
What do you think? (I am not going to respond to him anyway,)
"Thanks for the response,i am very satisfied with your advert,i will like you to get back to me with is present condition,more pics and your final asking price,i will be requesting this transaction should be done via PayPal,so the PayPal charges is on me,kindly send me your PayPal email and your name or send me money request,if my offer is accepted,so that i can proceed with the payment as am busy at work and do not have much time around me.Make sure you get back to me asap,so that we can arrange for pick up as i will like the pick up to hold at your residence location,so no shipping.
Looking forward to read from you asap "
Steve B
Definitely a scam I would say (the usual terrible English and offering to buy the car without even seeing it or asking the right questions? All they seem to want is for me to either send them the email address for the paypal payment (not going to help them much, it is just an email address after all. he even said i could just send him a paypal payment request. Not sure how they are going to scam my money via this, but as I say, the wording just seems to scream SCAM!!
What do you think? (I am not going to respond to him anyway,)
"Thanks for the response,i am very satisfied with your advert,i will like you to get back to me with is present condition,more pics and your final asking price,i will be requesting this transaction should be done via PayPal,so the PayPal charges is on me,kindly send me your PayPal email and your name or send me money request,if my offer is accepted,so that i can proceed with the payment as am busy at work and do not have much time around me.Make sure you get back to me asap,so that we can arrange for pick up as i will like the pick up to hold at your residence location,so no shipping.
Looking forward to read from you asap "
Steve B
Re: Car buying / selling scams
I guess they will attempt a charge back from Paypal once they have the vehicle....?
Compare the Minors - Simples !!
Compare the Minors - Simples !!
Car buying/selling scam?
I noticed a week or so back that there was a very nice convertible advertised in the MMOC "For Sale" section for £12,500 & on my searching various sites for convertibles, I found exactly the same photos of the car on *bay for sale (from a different seller) as a "buy it now" for £5,600, if I remember correctly.
I can`t imagine what the scam would be, other than wanting a deposit sent maybe, but when I contacted the seller on *bay & asked if it was the same car as on the MMOC for £12,5oo, the advert disappeared fairly rapidly!
I assume that the photos had somehow been "borrowed" from the club site without the genuine owners knowledge.
It pays to keep your eyes open & if it looks too good to be true..................!
I can`t imagine what the scam would be, other than wanting a deposit sent maybe, but when I contacted the seller on *bay & asked if it was the same car as on the MMOC for £12,5oo, the advert disappeared fairly rapidly!
I assume that the photos had somehow been "borrowed" from the club site without the genuine owners knowledge.
It pays to keep your eyes open & if it looks too good to be true..................!