Tips for buyers & sellers

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Tips for buyers & sellers

Post by LouiseM »

Here are useful tips for buyers & sellers:


Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the vehicle and the condition it is in - providing photos will assist potential buyers.

It is helpful to potential purchasers to state a price. Asking for ‘offers’ without providing an indication of the sort of figure you are looking for may delay any sale.

If your site profile does not show your location please include this within your advertisement.

When the vehicle has been sold please update your message so that people are aware.


Unless you are happy to take a risk, make sure that you thoroughly inspect the vehicle before purchase to ensure that you know what you are buying. There is a useful buyers guide here:


Most of the transactions carried out on this message board are trouble free but if a dispute arises please follow the process outlined here:

Eric - 1971 Traveller