Worst job?

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Post by NZJLY »

I have a new job I hate :x The speedo drive in the gearbox I have just fitted is (insert favorite word for broken :)) So I need to get it out. So I get to slowly chipping out the bits of plastic whilst mumbling sweet nothings under my breath.

The gearbox itself feels quite tight/firm to change gears, so may end up changing that as well. More the feel of something pressing in the box, rather than the firmness of a new gearbox. But it does change gear without crunching (so far) so It maybe OK.
Minor Fan
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Post by NZJLY »

An update, got the plastic thread out, now lost the cog. Going fishing tomorrow with a bit of wire to see if I can snag it. Once I have done that, will be spraying waxoil (home made stuff :)) down the chassis legs. Oh the joys of owning a Moggie :roll: and 2 weeks until the convention.

But on the bright side the oil pressure is so much better with this motor :D :D :D
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