I'm assuming the step in the rear rear chassis leg that I've circled is to accommodate the jacking plate 39 in the factory manual extract below? No sign of it that I recall when I cut out the old rear spring mountings.
Any guidance on the thickness of this bracket?
As I've no intention of jacking on the body ( I always jack the rear under the rear spring mounting plate on the underside of the axle) then it's not critical, but does it add useful strength? I've picked it up before I start on the other side, but should be able to retrofit on the side I've completed.Rear jacking point reinforcing plates
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Re: Rear jacking point reinforcing plates
That jacking plate was only on the Series MM and Series 2 (possibly), not on the later cars. It was welded on the outside of the inner wing. Pictured my 49 lowlight.
I'm sure someone will be along soon to confirm this
I'm sure someone will be along soon to confirm this

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- geoberni
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Re: Rear jacking point reinforcing plates
Correct; that's the MM/SII Jacking Point, as illustrated in the workshop manual. Not that you'll find them on many MM/SII these days; my SII certainly had them removed when being rebuilt some 25 years ago (or earlier).
I don't think the LCV ever had them (front at least), even though they started around the time of the SII update in '53/54.
Basil the 1955 series II

Re: Rear jacking point reinforcing plates
OK, so the jacking reinforcing goes on the outside, so what's the offset on the chassis leg for? I've checked again and there has never been anything welded to the offset. Possibly for something to slot into?
Re: Rear jacking point reinforcing plates
Pictured my 49 lowlight during restoration, that area is original, there isn't an indent in that panel.
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