The MMOC has recently received the very sad news that one of our stalwart team of MOT organisers has passed away. Chris Kinloch was well known in the MOT fraternity and the wider MMOC as the owner of possibly the only sage green Traveller in existence. Chris was a passionate advocate of all that MOT and the MMOC stood for and played a full and active part, along with his wife Helen, and Helen and Pete Cosslett in making sure that each MOT was enjoyable and memorable for all who attended. His calm demeanour and attention to detail will leave a huge gap and will be sorely missed. Our deepest condolences, our thoughts and our prayers are with Helen and the family at this difficult and painful time and we stand ready to be of assistance in any way we can. Thanks so much for everything you did, Chris.
If you wish to send a condolence card, they can be posted to Mrs H Kinloch, Beech House, Little Orchard Court, Andover. SP10 2NY. In the meantime, we would be grateful if any queries relating to MOT 2021 or relating to MOT in general are, in the first instance, directed to
Chris Kinloch
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Chris Kinloch
Mike Dean
MMOC Webmaster

MMOC Webmaster
Re: Chris Kinloch
It's deeply saddening to hear about Chris Kinloch's passing. His dedication and contributions to the MOT community and the MMOC have clearly left a profound impact on those who knew himAdmin wrote: ↑Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:37 pm The MMOC has recently received the very sad news that one of our stalwart team of MOT organisers has passed away. Chris Kinloch was well known in the MOT fraternity and the wider MMOC as the owner of possibly the only sage green Traveller in existence. Chris was a passionate advocate of all that MOT and the MMOC stood for and played a full and active part, along with his wife Helen, and Helen and Pete Cosslett in making sure that each MOT was enjoyable and memorable for all who attended. His calm demeanour and attention to detail will leave a huge gap and will be sorely missed. Our deepest condolences, our thoughts and our prayers are with Helen and the family at this difficult and painful time and we stand ready to be of assistance in any way we can. Thanks so much for everything you did, Chris.
If you wish to send a condolence card, they can be posted to Mrs H Kinloch, Beech House, Little Orchard Court, Andover. SP10 2NY. In the meantime, we would be grateful if any queries relating to MOT 2021 or relating to MOT in general are, in the first instance, directed to