Usernanes and Email Addresses

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Joined: Thu Apr 15, 2004 9:43 am
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Usernanes and Email Addresses

Post by simmitc »

We recommend most strongly that you DO NOT use your email address as a username in this Messageboard.

This is to guard against scammers picking up and using your email address. Within the messageboard, there is a facility for members to send Private Messages (PMs) to each other and also emails that are sent via the board. If you receive a dodgy email via this route, then we can see which user sent it, and ban them from future posts.

However, if you publicise your email address by using it as your username, then scammers and other criminals can contact you directly without us having any audit trail. We have seen an example where someone with an email address of appears to be conducting a scam by contacting members direct. If you have ever been approached by that person then please contact me by PM.

If you wish to change your username, then please send me a PM stating your email address, your current username and what you would like it to be instead.