I spoke to Rosie Hamilton today at the Barnsley Branch Rally and she has asked me to pass a message onto you all.
Could as many branches as possible please consider participating in Branch Avenue at the National Rally this year. Don't worry though, as the stand DOES NOT have to be manned (ladied?) at all times, but it would be appreciated if there were more branches represented as so far there are only a few that have registered an interest.
To be honest, we (the Potteries Branch) were not going to have a stand, but she has talked us into it!!

To register your branch (and to get space allocated), please get in touch with Rosie (her details are in the club directory), but if you can't find them, just PM a moderator on here or ring the Derby office.
Thank you all in anticipation.

p.s. moderators, if this post is in the wrong section, could you move or copy it to the correct one. Thanks.