New European Names Descriptions Act

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Mike Shipman
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New European Names Descriptions Act

Post by Mike Shipman »

I have it on good authority, that Lawyers working on behalf of the EEC have concluded Mr R. Rust Esq of Bedfordshire, MMOC Moderator and Haynes Daytrip Organiser cannot now legitimately use his previous "nom de plume" (herewith but not thereafter but previosly known as) "Roger Rust" - why? - because there is now a distinct lack of oxidized steel within the body of his reviously rusty MM aka Sophie.

In order not to fall foul of the NENDA, Brussells Bureaucrats have decreed that drivers names associated with vehicles can now be altered by adding the cars designers name minus the final syllable - ie "Issigonis" minus the final "is".

From this point forward, the EEC will now recognise the owner of MM Sophie as:
"Mr Roger Rust - Issigon" it sounds strangely appropriate :wink:

now where did I leave my medication.......Mother?...Mother...!?
Mike Shipman,
Seaton, Torpoint, Cornwall.
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Post by bigginger »

May I suggest a liitle more water with your 'medication'? :D
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Post by les »

You mean a little more medication with your water!
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Post by bigginger »

No, oddly enough, but that might be worth a go too :D
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Post by Peetee »

Somebody guide him back to that workbench in the corner where the headlights are that need fixing. :wink:
Older and more confused than I could ever imagine possible.
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Post by stevey »

I have it on good authority, that Lawyers working on behalf of the EEC have concluded Mr R. Rust Esq of Bedfordshire, MMOC Moderator and Haynes Daytrip Organiser cannot now legitimately use his previous "nom de plume" (herewith but not thereafter but previosly known as) "Roger Rust" - why? - because there is now a distinct lack of oxidized steel within the body of his reviously rusty MM aka Sophie.

In order not to fall foul of the NENDA, Brussells Bureaucrats have decreed that drivers names associated with vehicles can now be altered by adding the cars designers name minus the final syllable - ie "Issigonis" minus the final "is".

From this point forward, the EEC will now recognise the owner of MM Sophie as:
"Mr Roger Rust - Issigon" it sounds strangely appropriate

now where did I leave my medication.......Mother?...Mother...!?
You what???????? Somebody help that poor soul, his gone completely off his rocker!!! Were all mad but thats too far

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Post by JimK »

Peetee wrote:Somebody guide him back to that workbench in the corner where the headlights are that need fixing. :wink:
Argh! Meant to get Mike to look at mine last night, but was distracted by wondering if the car would get me home...
Jim - New Forest, the Wiltshire bit
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